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MD Consulting

How employing a mentor can benefit your life in many ways…

Updated: Mar 9, 2022

You are a driven person full of drive and you have many goals to achieve and tick off.… this takes a degree of commitment and life/work can sometimes get in the way of achieving these goals, especially when it comes to studying.

Having a study mentor means you have employed somebody who can help guide, advise and teach you through a problem or towards a goal. Someone to help you see things from a different perspective.

Mentoring has the power to accelerate our self-development, career progression, and overall confidence. This is why many successful professionals still employ coaches and mentors in their every day life for them personally and for their businesses.

Sometimes we all need to let off some steam and have someone else to talk to that is not emotionally involved. A mentor will be with you every step of the way. It is important to establish a good relationship with honesty so being clear and open about issues and worries you have is a good starting point.

Within my role helping people to get better exam results, at Merinda's Mentoring Services I have helped so many students with their studies and life ambitions. Having been a law student myself working in the city I understand the process. I am a mum of 2 who are also home schooled.

My biggest achievement is seeing how my students grow and achieve and take on my advice for the future.

For help with exams, revision, learning journey goals please do get in touch for an initial consultation so we can best plan out what support is needed and when.

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